Adult Impact Groups

It’s not like any Bible study you’ve been to before because this is all about relationships. Make friends, enjoy hanging together and study God’s word in real life situations together


Children’s Ministry Build Their Foundation.We believe that welcoming children in the name of Jesus is a lofty privilege and a high calling.


A gathering of students grades 6-12th who recognize that we are fragmented people brought together to form a beautiful work of art, shaped continuously by Jesus the Master Artist.

Membership Classes

At Heart of the Springs Church we follow Christ’s lead. Jesus started where people were—at their level of commitment—but He never left them there. Starting Point is the process that we use to help people make strides in their walk with Christ.
Starting Point is not another ministry in the church – it is how we do church.

Worship Arts

Worship Arts has a passion for using the artistic gifts in our church to serve God and bless others. Whether you are a singer, musician, artist, photographer, designer, technician or have other gifts there are many opportunities to use those gifts and serve.