Heart of the Springs Church seeks to live out Acts 1:8 where Jesus told His disciples,
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
We see our “Jerusalem” as Colorado Springs, our “Judea and Samaria” as the state of Colorado and the United States, and the “ends of the earth” as our world.
Ministries We Support
To that end, HOTS Church gives away 10% of every dollar it receives: 2% of every dollar goes to benevolence and the other 8% goes to missions. HOTS is directly involved in local church plants, US missions and worldwide missions.

Story Church
Brandon & Jennifer Shupp are the Lead Pastors of STORYCHURCH, a new church plant on the southeast side of Colorado Springs. They have two sons; Grant & Jackson. STORYCHURCH exists to empower all people to tell a great story with their lives by helping understand the hope, value, and purpose they have in Jesus.
STORYCHURCH, launched in March 2021, is a church plant in Southeast Colorado Springs. We exist to empower all people to tell a great story with their lives by helping them understand the hope and the purpose they have in Jesus. STORYCHURCH is currently focused on discovering and meeting needs in the community. In the 1 mile radius surrounding the church, over half (52%) of the community lives on less than $30k/year in household income. Educational outcomes, mental health, addiction, domestic violence, and food insecurity are among the major concerns of our community.
We are also building a community center in our space called STORYHOUSE COLLECTIVE. We currently share that space with a daycare targeting lower-income families, a wrestling club, a baker, a cultural capacity trainer, and another local non-profit focused on the neighborhood. We are working to also build systems and programs to meet the many needs of the community, the highest of which is making disciples who understand how to make more disciples.

Doug & Denise
Doug & Denise
Doug & Denise grew up in warm Southern CA and were married in 1989. They both had roots in Germany and God developed a heart for those in communist Germany. Having traveled in Eastern Europe to countries where people were not free to talk about Christ or freely gather in community, they prayed that God would somehow use them to impact His Kingdom through these people. That same year The Soviet Union began to collapse and they felt God was calling them to missions. By 1991 they were in cold Siberia Russia pioneering a ministry among young college students with The Navigators. Out the work in Novosibirsk, Siberia two churches emerged and are doing well today. Since then they have been a part of the pioneering work in several cities in Russia and the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Today, due to the many restrictions of traditional ministry strategies, Doug continues to work with The Navigators through their Global Enterprise Network pioneering and developing missional enterprises in the countries listed above. The Global Enterprise Network Mission is “To unleash the transforming power of the Gospel into the nations through an ever expanding global network of Navigator missional enterprises”. It is similar to business as mission but is different because Navigator Enterprises emphasize not only the financial sustainability and local social impact, they also require the vital core strategy of spiritual impact in all our enterprises. Doug normally travels to the region 5 times a year encouraging and resourcing both ex-pats and local nationals in their enterprises. Along with this, Doug still recruits, organizes and sends summer teams to the region and he works with the regional director organizing regional conferences in Eurasia. Meanwhile Denise actively disciples high school girls in their home. They have 4 adult children, (two adopted from Russia), and they currently live in Colorado Springs, CO.

Manor Ministry
The mission of the Manor church services is to be a living example of the Gospel to the Elderly. Many of the residents are believers, but have forgotten how much the Lord loves them or they might possibly have never even heard the Good News. It is such a blessing to see a smile and tears of hope and joy appear on someone's face when they feel the love and comfort of Jesus when you share His Word, hold the hand of someone in need or just simply visit with them. In Psalm 71:9 David is asking the Lord not to forget him. The Lord gives you the opportunity to be His loving servant and serve the elderly at the Manor. If you would like to get involved with this great outreach, please contact Marc Lallier at 719-332-8905 or email marc@hotschurch.org

Wade Brown
Wade Brown - PastorServe
PastorServe exists to strengthen the Church by serving pastors. We serve pastors through coaching, consulting, and crisis care.
When pastors are healthy and thriving in their private (backstage) lives and their public (front stage) lives, the Church has a much better chance of being the beacon of hope God created Her to be. This perspective excites us and serves to keep us laser-focused on our reason for existence as an organization!
Wade Brown is the Executive Director for the Rocky Mountain Region of PastorServe. Prior to joining the PastorServe team, Wade was the Sr. Director of Pastoral Ministries at Focus on the Family in CO. In this role, he met with pastors across the nation to help facilitate spiritual restoration and renewal in their personal and professional lives.
After 16 years in the U.S. Air Force, Wade retired early and earned his Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Organizational Management from Colorado Christian University. He’s been a church planter, associate pastor, and campus pastor in the mega-church environment. Wade and his wife, Deb, live in Colorado Springs, CO, and are the parents of an adult daughter (Kelsey) and son (Ben).

Por Cristo
Casas Por Cristo
Casas por Christo exists to open the door for local pastors and churches to share the love of Jesus Christ by serving. Our Mission is to build and Serve.
Heart of the Springs Church has partnered now for over a a decade with Casas Por Cristo. (Homes for Christ). We have sent teams to Mexico to personally help build homes as well as donated to this unique impactful ministry.
We Build
We are builders. That’s who we are. We build homes for families that need to be reminded that Jesus loves them. We build relationships between volunteers, families, and pastors that would otherwise never have met. We strive to build the Kingdom of God by partnering with other local churches and ministries. We strive to build opportunities for growth by creating structured experiences that cause our volunteers to be stretched beyond their comfort zones.
We Serve
Through this building process, God allows us to interact with our teams, local families, pastors, churches, vendors, and fellow missionaries. We do not want to take any of these interactions for granted. We believe that these are unique opportunities presented to us by God to serve each other.
Our History
We began building homes along the U.S. / México border in 1993, first in Ciudad Juárez. We have since expanded to Ciudad Acuña, México; San Raymundo, Guatemala; Santiago, Dominican Republic; and Chinandega, Nicaragua. To date, we have provided over 6,000 families with homes. We are dedicated to meeting the physical need of better housing as a way of meeting the spiritual need for Jesus Christ.
Our Missionaries
Casas por Cristo is primarily comprised of support-based missionaries. Each staff missionary is responsible for raising the majority of their salary. Most support comes in the form of donations from friends, family, churches, and team members. In addition to leading teams of volunteers through the building process, staff missionaries are responsible for administrative duties that allow the ministry to function.

Ethan and Ashley Batschelet
Ethan and Ashley Batschelet
Ethan and Ashley Batschelet serve as missionaries in the Central American nation of Honduras. They live and serve at Escuela El Sembrador in rural Honduras. They are located just outside of Catacamas in the department of Olancho - roughly 3.5 hours outside of the capital city of Tegucigalpa. On-campus, Ashley serves as the school's full-time preschool teacher. Beyond El Sembrador, she offers teacher training sessions for other missionary teachers with US teaching licenses. She is authorized to give credit to teachers attending her sessions to maintain their US teaching licenses. Ethan currently serves as campus pastor at El Sembrador ministering to students, school staff, and farm staff of the school's 1,400-acre farm. Ethan also teaches ethics, philosophy, Bible, life skills, college prep, and psychology in high school.
Apart from teaching preschool and offering her online sessions for teachers, Ashley is a full-time mom and is working on her master's degree. Outside of El Sembrador, Ethan serves as a member of the Honduras field leadership team, as assistant field treasurer, and as the Tegucigalpa guest house manager. When invited, Ethan and Ashley travel to varying parts of Honduras to visit other ministries and to preach in many different churches.