Ministry Staff

Dr. Michael R. Hensley – Senior Pastor
Pastor Mike has been the Senior Pastor of our church since August 4, 2008. Heart of the Springs Church is a very significant place to him–it is here that Mike accepted God’s call into vocational ministry, preached his first sermon, was licensed into the ministry, and where he met and married his wife. Mike and Chrissie have 2 sons, Caleb and Joshua. Having been born and raised in Colorado Springs, Mike has a deep passion for and an understanding of this community. Before moving back home, Mike pastored churches in Texas, New Mexico, and Maine. In addition to serving as our pastor, Mike is also an adjunct professor of Old and New Testament for Liberty University.
Mike has his Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management from Colorado Christian University, his Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and his Doctor of Ministry degree from Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Mike loves Jesus with all of his heart and wants nothing more than to have a positive IMPACT for Him. Mike’s life verse is 1 Timothy 1:15-16 (NIV) “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life.”

Steve Padilla – Worship Pastor
Steve Padilla joined the staff at Heart of the Springs in 2018. He is married to multi-talented Sandi, who helps co-lead on Sundays, and they have two college-aged children – Paul, who lives here in the Springs studying computer IT/repair, and Anna who lives back in their hometown of Sacramento, CA.
Steve started out with a career as a recording engineer eventually ending up working for Ann and Nancy Wilson of the rock group Heart at their recording studio in Seattle, WA. It was here that Steve received the call to become a worship leader. Leaving the music industry behind he pursued God’s calling on his life which lead him to working as a Worship Pastor and Music Director for Bayside Church in Roseville, CA and touring with CCM artist Lincoln Brewster for 7 years. With the kids grown up and out of the house he began to pray about were God might want him to go next and answered the call to come to Colorado Springs!
Today Steve and Sandi write music and records in their home studio and enjoys ministering to the local body of Christ through retreats, Celebrate Recovery, and Heart of the Springs! Steve has been a worship leader, clinician, speaker, teacher, and multi-instrumentalist for over 20 years. He is credited with playing keyboards on four of Lincoln Brewster’s CDs. He has also played keyboards with artist Paul Baloche, Darlene Zschech, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redmond, Kari Jobe, Glenn Packiam, and Sarah Kelly.

Dustin Fisher – Youth & Connections Pastor

Doug Bray – IMPACTkids Ministry Director
Bio coming soon.
Shannon Chesebro
Ministry Assistant
Janet Hallock
Nursery Director
Lisa Warren
Facilities Management
Marc Lallier
Building/Maintenance Manager

Mike Hensley

Bucky Smith

Bob Leedom

Bud Hall