Mosaic Series – Real Talk (Feb. 9 – Mar. 2, 2022)

This week, we’re kicking off one of the most important conversations we have every year with your students: the conversation on sex and relationships! We’re starting our four-week series called Real Talk that’s all about helping our students discover God’s truth about sex and relationships. Week 1 (Feb. 9) we’ll focus specifically on how important it is to have real talk about really important subjects like sex, dating, and more. Week 2 (Feb. 16), the conversation may be uncomfortable, intimidating, or even scary at times for our students because it focuses specifically on pornography. We want to help students not only understand what pornography is and how it might impact their lives and relationships, but we also want to help them create some boundaries and plans for how they might deal with it. Week 3 (Feb. 23), we’re talking all about relationships. Whether students are currently dating, interested in dating, or just trying to find new friends, we want them to know just how important it is to pay attention to the people they bring close in their lives. Week 4 (Mar. 2), we’re encouraging students to recognize that when it comes to dating, they have a choice! They can choose a relationship, or they can choose to be single. Either way, they won’t be missing out on any of God’s great plans for their lives.


I believe this is a conversation that should start at home. It’s important for you to reinforce God’s truth at home. Please feel free utilize these resources below to help with the ongoing conversation.

Week 1 Teaching Video, in case you miss Mosaic or want to recap (please don’t share this link with anyone)

Week 1 Small Group Questions

Week 2 Teaching Video, in case you miss Mosaic or want to recap (please don’t share this link with anyone)

Week 2 Small Group Questions

Week 2 Daily Devotions

Week 3 Teaching Video, in case you miss Mosaic or want to recap (please don’t share this link with anyone)

Week 3 Small Group Questions

Week 4 Teaching Video, in case you miss Mosaic or want to recap (please don’t share this link with anyone)

Week 4 Small Group Questions

If you have questions or thoughts please reach out.

Dustin Fisher, Student Pastor, Dustin (@) hotschurch .org